The Keys to Success is a set of eight life skills that not only helps children become the best students they can be, but also happy and successful in all aspects of their lives.
Christian Schools
Our Schematic is given to every student and family to make clear that Jesus is the heart of the program. Also, we often remind students true success starts with Jesus, keeps us close to Him and ultimately leads us to Heaven.
Public Schools
Unlike other programs, The Keys to Success focuses on Love as the most important of all Keys. In our world, what we need more is not just material success, but people with integrity, character and love.
“I have taught for many years and I’ve seen many ‘new programs’ to build student character. The Keys to Success is the first program that had immediate results in our classroom and students could refer to for the rest of their lives.” - Alex, Teacher
“When some students receive a key for being prepared for class, with their books out and ready to go, the other students begin to demonstrate that behavior as well.” - Jo, Teacher
“If the children are having a ‘lazy’ day, all I have to do is open my key box and the hands go up.” - Maureen, Teacher
“I like how the Keys help me to be more positive. I am on the look out for positive behaviors to reward instead of negative to correct. Mentioning the positive makes an example of what my expectations are.” - Mindy, Parent of 7
“The Keys have helped improve behavior by creating accountability and decreasing nagging. When the chance of a key is known the children have been more responsible and needed less reminders.” - Trena, Parent of 4

Principals are Talking…
· There was a significantly calmer and more
positive attitude throughout the school.
· Test scores went up and office behavior
referrals went down.
· The entire school is on the same page, same philosophy.
· The Keys program is not only easy to
deliver but also incredibly versatile. With
so many creative ways to teach and implement the Keys – it never gets stale.
“I actually have two boys in my class who started out the year very unmotivated and with bad attitudes toward me and their school work. Now they are more motivated and I see good attitudes a lot more than bad attitudes.” - Lisa, teacher
The Keys to Success can be used in the home, individual classroom or an entire school. Families, teachers and principals are grateful for how easy to implement and long-lasting Keys have made an impact in the lives of their children and students.